Future Citizen News Research Authors
Our Team

Meet The FCN Research Analysts

Our team of experts are dedicated to analyzing the latest trends and data in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. With a focus on providing accurate and trustworthy information, they strive to give readers a deeper understanding of the rapidly evolving technological landscape.

Citizen of the Future

Revolutionizing the News Industry: Meet FCN's Data-Driven Founder

As a visionary founder of Future Citizen News, my mission is to revolutionize the news industry by providing accurate, data-driven news to the public. By shedding light on the real news that mainstream media overlooks, I hope to inspire a generation of critical thinkers and empower them to help shape a better future.

Bill Still - American Economist

Meet Bill Still - A Renowned Economist and Historian.

Acclaimed for his incisive books and research documentaries "The Money Masters" and "The Secret of Oz". Through his works, Still delves deep into the intricacies of the Federal Reserve System, asserting its status as a "quasi-government institution". His insightful examinations of economic structures have garnered him significant attention and respect in the financial and historical communities.


Meet Tokenicer, a renowned 4IR researcher and educator.

Tokenicer's motivation lies in exposing hidden connections in the digital agenda through the creation of educational research maps. Through his work, he aims to provide insight into the enterprise purpose of blockchain and DLT.

Researcher @XX_1133_1221_11

Meet mysterious researcher @ XX_1133_1221_11,

This is an anonymous researcher expert research focuses on future technology and numerology around global events. He is known for his impressive ability to create intricate mind maps linking the 4IR and occult/masonic numerology.

What makes us different?

Unconventional News for Forward Thinkers

At Future Citizen News, we believe in challenging the status quo and providing our readers with unconventional news that goes beyond the mainstream narrative. By doing so, we encourage unconventional thinking and inspire our readers to explore new ideas and perspectives.
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Breaking News Paradigms: Challenging mainstream narratives with fresh perspectives.
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Independent citizen reporters who are tired of the manipulation of MSM.

Deep analysis providing valuable understanding and insights.

We don’t leave things unsaid. Because unsaid is often just another word for misunderstood. We over-communicate so everyone stays on the same page.
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Indepth and educational
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Honest, open communication

Futuristic Research helping you stay informed.

Access to expert insights and analysis that help readers anticipate and prepare for the future.
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Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies
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Blockchain / DLT, AI, Machine Learning Research

A focus on providing readers with reliable and trustworthy information

Transparent research methodology and reliable sources, ensuring readers can trust the accuracy and credibility of our news coverage.
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We have a commitment to openness and transparency in news reporting.
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We Cite Sources and Facts
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We Report On Corruption

expert analysis and insights that are based on rigorous research and investigation.

Our Citizen Journalists have a wide variety of industry expertise.
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Trade Finance / Banking
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Blockchain / DLT Research
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Economy / Corruption Reporting